Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter: 1776.12.10

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Index Entry Cans't thou, by searching, the Almighty find? [fl] 
Location Exeter 
10 Dec 1776:22 (1/30)
Paraphrase on part of the 17th chapter of Job.
  Cans't thou, by searching, the Almighty fine?
  Or to perfection, scan th' Eternal mind?
  Vain aim!  its height the heav'n of heav'ns transcends,
  Deeper than hell th' unfathom'd line descends.
  . . . [44 more lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter 
Date 1776.12.10 
Publisher Fowle, Robert 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0023212
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